whew! a lot can happen in a very short span
of time! they got 'uncle' saddam... i know just how zeyad felt,
ashamed, depressed, happy wasnt one of my own emotions either.
it is sad to see a belligerent tyrant become a rat in a hole, no matter how evil.
i had the same thought, why didnt he shoot himself and save the
poor iraqis the scenes of his dishevelled being? is revenge sweet?
no... somehow revenge is at the same level that the 'evildoers' have gone to.
dont get me wrong, i know what it feels to want revenge, especially
when the dirty deeds are perpetrated on you or your loved ones directly.
that evil nasty bastard that poisoned my cat...i wanted to kill him a thousand times over!
i sometimes think about my local... how he ignored me and hurt me
with his lies and dirty deeds. and now he cries to me, 'dont leave me'...
and i think, what about all those days and nights and years you let slip
by while i cried myself to sleep, couldnt eat or even think...
of course my actions have nothing to do with a desire for revenge, but do you
remain with someone out of pity? do you let saddam walk out of pity?
we all have our prices to pay for our nastiness, and the prices are always painful.
but it aint revenge. just think before you act or say hurtful things...
cuz saying, 'i'm sorry' over and over again just dont cut it...