election day is here!
it has been a long wait for this one. like most major events of my life, the circumstances surrounding a marked event elude me but the event takes place nonetheless. i never in my wildest dreams could have pictured myself going to vote with the man of my dreams on my arm. but i 'knew' i would be going there today, in person, to cast my opposition to the neocon regime. i could have bashed that disgusting bushpuppet every day in here, but plenty of others with tons more wit and talent than me have done a great job. when the florida fiasco went down, i was still an isolated foreigner, i didnt know the real details, but i knew there was something awry, not just the regular riffs between democrats and republicans. on september eleventh, i was just sitting down to dinner at 10:00p.m. NHK somehow had a chopper in the air and i saw the whole thing live, uncut...... and when the bush gang started in, i was nauseous. how could they pervert the unity and strength of a nation? i was ashamed as well by the sudden outpouring of half-assed patriotism. people who couldnt give a care before were suddenly flag-waving god-fearing american patriots! that really is understandable though, even forgivable given the circumstances, but what will never be forgivable and should be condemned by every human with a conscience, is the way in which the neocon bastards have hijacked our beautiful nation with one goal at any expense, and that is world domination. so when i pull the lever today, like so many others, democrat and republican, i pull it for john kerry in direct response to the disgust of the neocons and the wicked mire they have tarnished us all with. its not about party politics anymore...