Tuesday, January 20, 2004


well, no word yet since the mother of all blasts at the mother of all checkpoints... guess the guys didnt consider that such a safe checkpoint after all...but m. has told me over and over he is at a safe checkpoint... sean's lady started a blog. i am grateful that she did... surely he is too busy to be answering mails at this point. but i really was concerned about what was going on with him, he has been there for me in my darkest hour... thanks sean, i hope i can be there for your lady too... it got me to thinking of my life and my ties to the military. j> sed to me, You are about to do your first military wife move...well, hardly...hehehehe... my first hub was a bubblehead, my daddy a vietnam vet... shit, i should be used to it by now... the deployments, the patrols, the months and months of no contact... hey everybody! there was no internet 20 years ago! the sub patrols we got things called 'familygrams' each guy got 6 per patrol. they were just like telegrams, limited to 200 hundred words. and vietnam? come on... no phonecalls.. teleconferencing? in your wildest startreks dreams baby... well, me and m. have been lucky to have 1... countem... 1 instant message chance in 13 months except the 5 days in nuremburg... anyway... i was thinking back today... where was my dad? what was he doing? was he alive or dead? phuket?...danang?... and john...cruising georges bank?... crossing under the arctic circle? licking whipped cream from a fat neptunes belly button while they painted his balls with prussian blue???.... hahaha.... memories.... fond?... not hardly.... m... COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!