Friday, June 20, 2003


well, being isolated unfortunatley doesnt come with carefree joblessness. still intertwined by the capitalist beast for heat, electricity,most food.... the consumables!! dont forget that internet connection you FINALLY got last summer! (and lord have mercy you have got it all OVER you!) what to do? how to reap the mana? like most isolated foreigners, spread the anglo-globalization by passing on the lingo! people will actually value you for your unbounded wisdom into the unfathomable depths of south park! however, this foreigner has hooked up with some of the rich foreigners who keep thier isolated getaways here and there, perched on the cliff over the sea or nestled in the deep forest... and they pay to have somebody clean up thier getaways. so with weed whacker in hand, dressed in protective clothing from finger to toe, mosquito coil strategically mounted on the hip; sure to be burning at both ends for maximum effect, i made mincemeat out of the jungle surrounding whiney man's yard. and share a tea while he whines about being poor..... not too hot yet. whacked for a full 40 minutes before my hands went numb. still waiting for mail....