Saturday, July 19, 2003

back in the loop

after a serious pocket-gouging by govt. protected monopolized mega telecom company, i am back in the loop. give myself an A+ in geekdom this semester. no mail for 3 days. all i can do is wait. and pray. uncle gives me a moral churning and R gives me congrats for embracing the madness. morals... uncle sez be up front. yep, that is the way i have to be. embracing the madness comes naturally. those who sit on the shore... i thought i was too old for this to happen, i really did. i guess i have been brainwashed by my environs to think life is over at 40. lovelife anyway. what crap! S sed to me..'youre still young, you should live life as much as you can while you can!' so true...